Saturday, April 20, 2013

They like me! They really like me!

I haven't been able to go on the kayak but have gone to the pier a few times. Yesterday I resolved to try one of the cedar "beauties" and it worked great. as you can see below. The lure swims amazingly well, even being pulled from the pier which is about 10-12 feet high. I can see how it will definitely catch fish; besides this one, there were many of other fish that kept missing it.
I am very happy with the results, this is the reason I started making this lures. I was looking for something that worked as well or better than the lures I bought. The two pictures are of the same fish, I took it twice with cell phone  because of the sun. I couldn't see the screen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cedar beauties

It looks like these lures will be my signature lures.  I like the simplicity of their look and the ease of making them. They look and swim great. I haven't seriously tested them on the kayak but that will hopefully happen soon. I have taken them to the pier and had some followers including one big fish.

Cut and ready to be shaped.


Marking the eye.

Shaped and Burnt.


Finished lures different angles and views.